Sunday, September 27, 2009

love comes

Love comes unexpectedly. Unexpected place, unexpected time, and most of all, unexpected place.” We always utter this proverb. But what would happen if we always expect hat love everywhere, every time, and from the every people that we meet? Will there still be love? Will there still time and place for the love that we are expecting to come? or we should just ignore this proverb?

Loving and Drumming

Loving is like you are playing the drums within a band. The drummer always holds the key to kill or to keep the song alive. There will always come a time that you will lose or play the beat depending upon how you control it. Don’t take drumming seriously. Always bear in mind that if you take this seriously, the greater the possibility that you’ll lose the beat. But not in all instances drumming and loving are the same. Like in playing the drums, if you started the song, you can stop whenever you want, and if you want to resume, you may. In love, there is no such thing as “resume”. Once you stopped, you stop. Always remember that past is past. Don’t ever look back or attempt to resume what you have stopped, because the pain that this brought to you after you stopped might become more painful…or even worst…